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Global “A World Without Skin Tears” Day 2024

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ISTAP Global “A World Without Skin Tears...
Skin as the Largest Organ

Skin as the Largest Organ

Presented by Dr. Elizabeth A. Ayello and Dr. R. Gary Sibbald Dr. Elizabeth A. Ayello Elizabeth A. Ayello (Pronounced I-yell-0) is a board certified wound and ostomy nurse from Queens, New York City, who is internationally known as an educator, researcher, prolific author, editor, clinician, and mentor. Dr. Ayello is currently Co-Editor in Chief for the international interprofessional journal, Advances in Skin and Wound Care, Executive Editor Emeritus for the WCET® Journal, President of Ayello Harris & Associates Inc. and Faculty IIWCC in Toronto and Abu Dhabi as well as Founder and Director of the WoundPedia Basic and Intermediate courses in Manila, the Philippines. She is a past president of the World Council of Enterostomal Therapists (WCET®) as well as the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP). Dr. Ayello is currently a member of the GGG who is working on the next edition of the EPUAP NPIAP PPPIA International Pressure Injury Guidelines scheduled to be released in 2025. Dr. Ayello and has over 200 peer-reviewed journal articles, is co-author/co-editor of two wound care books - Wound Care Essentials Practice Principles, Pocket Guide to Pressure Ulcers, as well as the WCET® International Ostomy Guideline, WCET® Pocket Guides, Ostomy and Stoma Siting. We are delighted that she will be co-presenting with Dr. R. Gary Sibbald, on Skin, the largest Organ. Dr. R. Gary Sibbald Dr. Sibbald, MD FRCPC (Med, Derm), MACP, FAAD, MEd, FAPWCA, is the founder and Executive Director of WoundPedia as well as the lead of Project ECHO Ontario Skin and Wound. He is a dermatologist and internist with a special interest in wound care and education. Dr. Sibbald is also a professor of medicine and public health at the University of Toronto. As a wound care educator, clinician, and clinical researcher, he is an international wound care key opinion leader. Dr. Sibbald is the co-founder (1999) and course director of the International Interprofessional Wound Care Course (IIWCC). He is the director of the Masters of Science in Community Health (Prevention and Wound Care) at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, and an investigator with the Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners. Dr. Sibbald is the former president of the World Union of Wound Healing Societies 2008-12. He is a co-editor and chapter author of the Chronic Wound Care textbook. He has over 200 publications and is the current co-editor in chief of the journal, Advances in Skin and Wound Care. ----- About the Event ISTAP's third annual Global “A World Without Skin Tears” Day will took place virtually on 18 April 2024. Supported by our corporate partners and international official partners, this free event included a programme of experts from all continents who will present on the latest education related to skin tears. Attendees were healthcare professionals from across the globe who have interest in preventing and treating skin tears. #WWSTD2024
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About the Event

ISTAP's third annual Global “A World Without Skin Tears” Day will take place virtually on 18 April 2024.

Supported by our corporate partners and international official partners, this free event includes a programme of experts from all continents who will present on the latest education related to skin tears. Attendees will be healthcare professionals from across the globe who have interest in preventing and treating skin tears.

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In January 2016, ISTAP became an official interest group of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC).

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