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Register for the ISTAP Annual General Meeting 2024

This is the official notice of the INTERNATIONAL SKIN TEAR ADVISORY PANEL (ISTAP) Annual General Meeting (AGM) taking place Tuesday 28 May 2024 at 8:00 AM UTC-4 (Eastern Daylight Time) via Zoom. This AGM is open to those individuals who are registered as an ISTAP member as of May 6, 2024 and will be available only through electronic means (Zoom Webinar Platform). You must register in advance to attend by clicking on the button below.

Please find attached the following draft documents for your review:

  1. Notice of the ISTAP AGM - 2024

  2. 2023-2024 ISTAP Annual Report

  3. ISTAP 2024 AGM Agenda

  4. ISTAP AGM minutes from 2023

  5. ISTAP Board Slate for Elections and Appointments

ISTAP AGM 2024 - Notice
Download DOCX • 36KB
ISTAP AGM Minutes May 23 2023
Download DOCX • 40KB
ISTAP 2024 AGM Agenda
Download DOCX • 39KB
ISTAP Annual Report 2024
Download PDF • 294KB
ISTAP Election Slate 2024
Download DOCX • 13KB

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In January 2016, ISTAP became an official interest group of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC).

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