The ISTAP Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Samantha Holloway, M.Sc, FHEA, Cert Ed (FE), RN, of Cardiff, Wales, UK, as the President of the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP). As the Programme Director for the Masters in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair and with a research interest in skin tears, Samantha brings a wealth of knowledge to the area of skin fragility and skin integrity on an international level. She has been the Regional Director (UK) for the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) for the past four years and also the Fund Raising Committee Chair and Global Community Engagement Workstream Chair all of which have prepared her for this leadership role.
A registered nurse with a Master’s of Science in Social Science Research and a certificate in continuing education, Samantha is a Reader in the Centre for Medical Education, School of Medicine, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff University. Samantha is also a member of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) Council, Chair of the EWMA Education Committee and Chair of the EWMA Teacher Network. Samantha was part of a EWMA group that developed the Wound Curriculum for Physicians and subsequently the Level 4 curriculum for student nurses and the Levels,5 6 and 7 post-registration wound curriculum for nurses.
She is on the Editorial Board for Wounds UK and a reviewer for a number of journals including the International Wound Journal, Journal of Wound Care, Journal of Wound Management (EWMA Journal), BMJ and the BMC Geriatrics. She has been part of a number of National Institute of Health and Care Excellence technology reviews as an expert advisor.
Samantha’s clinical background is in wounds, urology and vascular surgery. She has worked in NHS hospitals in Gloucestershire and Cardiff. Her research interests include wound healing and tissue repair, wound education/ curricula, skin tears and patient experience.
External positions include being an External Examiner for the Tissue Viability and Wound Management programmes at the University of Huddersfield.
Samantha is taking over from Dimitri Beeckman, BSc, MSc, PGDip (Ed), PhD who has been the president of ISTAP for the past two years. The ISTAP Board of Directors would like to thank Dimitri Beeckman for his outstanding leadership and wish him every success as he moves into the past president’s role.
The ISTAP Board of Directors is very pleased to have Samantha Holloway as their next President.
“With Samantha Holloway’s leadership ability and her background in skin tear education and research, she is perfectly poised to be an effective president. She will be an effective global ambassador for skin integrity and skin tears”
About The International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP)
The International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) was formed to raise international awareness of the prediction, assessment, prevention, and management of skin tears. The ISTAP comprises a panel of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals representing: Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North America and South America.