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Global Skin Tear Summit
Global Skin Tear Summit

Thu, Apr 15



Global Skin Tear Summit

Hear from content experts from around the world during a half-day Global Skin Tear Summit on updates for current practices in 2021.

Registration is Closed
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Date & Time

Apr 15, 2021, 8:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. EDT


About the event

Learn from content experts from around the world during a half-day Global Skin Tear Summit on updates for current practices in 2021.


Registration is FREE and open to everyone. All ISTAP Members will be able to access the recordings of each conference sessions after the conference through a members-only area of the main website.

Register for the conference now at Want to join as an ISTAP Member? Visit to join for free today!

Global Skin Tear Summit Website

The Global Skin Tear Summit will be held entirely virtually on a conference website complete with a virtual exhibit hall to visit conference sponsors’ booths and a virtual ISTAP Café to interact with ISTAP board members and other attendees. All sessions will be shown via a single Zoom Webinar link.


Welcome and Introduction

Prof. Dimitri Beeckman, PhD, MSc, BSc, PGDip (Ed)

Ghent University (Belgium) and Örebro University (Sweden)


Global Burden of Skin Tears

Mrs. Gulnaz Tariq, RN, (PAK) Post Grad, BSc, IIWCC, MSc Skin Integrity

WUWHS President, UAE


Skin tear development and risk factors explained

Dr. Kevin Woo, PhD, RN, NSWOC, WOCC(C), FAPWCA

Queens University, Canada


The classification of skin tears with the ISTAP classification tool: new evidence supporting international use

Prof. Dimitri Beeckman, PhD, MSc, BSc, PGDip (Ed)

Ghent University (Belgium) and Örebro University (Sweden)


Managing Complex Skin tears and Treatment of skin tears in patients with anticoagulants

Dr. Kimberly LeBlanc, PhD, RN, WOCC (C), NSWOC, IIWCC

Canadian Wound Ostomy Continence Institute, Canada


Health Break

Visit Virtual Exhibit Hall & Virtual Café


Education as a core strategy to increase skin tear awareness: tips and tricks

Mrs. Samantha Holloway, MSc, CertEd, RN, FHEA

Cardiff University School of Medicine, United Kingdom


Culturally adapting best practice guidelines, the Brazilian experience

Prof. Vera Santos, PhD, ETN (stoma wound & continence care nursing)

University of São Paulo, Brazil


Breaking walls between skin conditions: the concept of skin frailty explained and introduction of a new best practice document

Dr. Karen Campbell, PhD, MScN, RN, NSWOC

University of Western Ontario, Canada


Reflection and closure

ISTAP Strategic Plan 2020 – 2023

Prof. Dimitri Beeckman, PhD, MSc, BSc, PGDip (Ed)

Ghent University (Belgium) and Örebro University (Sweden)


Visit the Virtual Exhibit Hall and join the Virtual Café with ISTAP Board members


  • 5 minutes

    Welcome and Introduction

  • 15 minutes

    Global Burden of Skin Tears

9 more items available

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In January 2016, ISTAP became an official interest group of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC).

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