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Steven Smet

Clinical Nurse Specialist Wound Care and Pressure Ulcer Control


Clinical Nurse Specialist Wound Care and Pressure Ulcer Control, Ghent University Hospital, Belgium

Steven Smet holds a BSc. in Nursing, an MSc. in Nursing and Midwifery and a post graduate in infection control

Steven Smet worked for 2 years in the intensive care unit where after he started as the coordinator and team leader of the wound care center at the Ghent University hospital. He performs together with his team bedside and ambulatory wound care consultations and is responsible for implementing new guidelines and recent scientific evidence to update and improve clinical practice. Since 2012, Steven is also chairman of the pressure ulcer committee in the Ghent University Hospital. Education, in- and externally, is an important part of his workload and Steven is a member of the board of the EduWond wound care teaching platform in Belgium.

Steven is strongly motivated to use, but also to improve, his knowledge and experience on an international level. From 2016 till 2021, he was a trustee in the board of the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and he is currently still the co-chair of the EPUAP European masterclass. Steven started in 2020 with a PhD project which will focus on wound assessment, wound parameters and the use of wound algorithms in clinical practice.

Steven Smet




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In January 2016, ISTAP became an official interest group of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC).

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