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Samantha Holloway

MSc, SFHEA, CertEd, RN

Immediate Past President

Past President
Master of Science (Social Science Research) (MSc)
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (CertEd)
Registered Nurse (RN)
Programme Director (Masters in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair)
Centre for Medical Education
School of Medicine
Cardiff University, Wales, UK

My role encompasses both undergraduate and postgraduate activities within the School of Medicine. Working as a Reader I am responsible for delivering the Masters in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair which continues to be held in regard both nationally and internationally. I also provide specialist advice on wound healing for the medical undergraduate programme. I have been a member of the International Skin Tear Advisory Panel since 2011 and represented the United Kingdom as a Regional Director until May 2020 when I was then appointed President-Elect (2020-2022). I am a member of the Chair of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) Education Committee, having previously held the position of Chair of the Committee (2019-2023). I’m the Chair of the EWMA Teacher Network which brings together colleagues working across different educational settings to collaborate on improving education for wound management. I am the Academic Editor for the Wounds UK journal and on the Editorial Board for the Chronic Wound Care supplement of the British Journal of Community Nursing. I also undertake peer review of manuscripts for a number of journals including BMJ, Journal of Tissue Viability, British Journal of Nursing, Journal of Wound Management and International Wound Journal. I have published / co-authored 99 publications and have also supervised over 90 Graduates to successful completion of the MSc in Wound Healing and Tissue Repair.

Samantha Holloway


United Kingdom


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In January 2016, ISTAP became an official interest group of Nurses Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence Canada (NSWOCC).

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